My Silence

In moments...
... when you cannot open your mouth although you want to defend yourself…
... when you choose to listen than to totally blaze the conflict…
... when you start trying to understand the other person’s thoughts and feelings…
... when you have selfish and unselfish reasoning in your mind at the same time…

But know that...
... the Lord hears our heart.
... our unspoken words are laid down unto Him as we let Him deal with us.
... all our laments are not hidden from Him.

And I know for sure that in these moments –
our best weapon of choice –
is silence.

May we discern when to talk and when to get hold of our tongue. Sometimes, it's better to keep quiet and think of our words before we blurt them out.  A waiting moment for the calm after the storm.

As Proverbs 10:19 says, "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, 
But he who restrains his lips is wise."
